Our therapists love engaging in our community and teaching and training is a wonderful way to share our knowledge. We have a lot of experience working with many different groups on a range of topics – some of which are listed below. We’re always happy to chat about how we can help if you have a different topic in mind
Information on speech and language development
Development of play skills
Encouraging fine and gross motor development at home
School readiness information
Strategies for enhancing preschool literacy
Evening information sessions available for kindergarten and childcare centers
Sessions for mother’s groups
Parent Groups
Aged Care Inservicing and Education
About any aspect of communication, hearing loss and swallowing in aged care. Provided for aged care facilities, suitable for all staff groups and tailored to topics on request.
Professional Voice Use
Auditory Processing Disorders
Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants
Language and Literacy Development
Articulation & Speech Development
Using Visual Timetabling
Incorporating Sensory Strategies
Understanding Autism & ASD
Teacher Aide Training Programs
Professional Development for Teachers & Schools
Need a Speech Pathology appointment? Sessions available…no waitlist!